by Sarah Nelson | Feb 23, 2022 | Weddings
Probably one of your first questions is, “How much is a Celebrant Wedding Ceremony?” And that’s fair. If I am planning an event, the cost is also one of my key factors. So, my Lovelies, you will find below three packages at varying price points, as they say on wedding...
by Sarah Nelson | Jan 10, 2021 | Weddings
5 Top Tips for Writing Your Wedding Vows are here to save you from writer’s block or writer’s overwhelm! There was the proposal! You saved! And you planned! It’s almost the big day, but you have to write your vows. Eeek! No, not eek! really as I’m here...
by Sarah Nelson | Nov 1, 2020 | Weddings
When creating your wedding ceremony, you can choose to include that extra special touch by adding mini-ceremony elements. Here are a few examples to inspire you. And we can come up with something entirely personal to you. Handfasting Handfasting is a wonderful...
by Sarah Nelson | Jul 23, 2020 | Funerals, Namings, Weddings
Hello! Welcome to the all-new and utterly gorgeous website! Isn’t it lush? It took a bit longer than expected but with the expert hand of Jennifer Claire Constance we got it done. Why the revamp and a new website? Why have a revamp? Because the original site, though...
by admin | Mar 12, 2020 | Weddings
Planning a wedding can be overwhelming, but you can have a Mindful Wedding with a Wedding Coach. Being the centre of attention can be pretty scary too, but with the right tools and emotional grounding, you can get through both of these situations with ease. How do I...