What can a Funeral Celebrant do for you? Well, maybe more than you think.
A Funeral Celebrant can help you with Planning Your Funeral
You know that bit in an action film where one of the characters is injured, presumed fatally, and they ask for one last message to be relayed to loved ones or a specific task to be completed? And their friend agrees, and the injured character feels a bit calmer, more at peace?
I can help you feel that sense of calm.
If you are:
- Very organised
- Nearing the end of your life
We can meet up and plan your funeral ceremony.
Sounds a tad morbid, I know, but often people who know that they are going to die soon want to make sure they have put their affairs in order. This usually comes from a place of love and wanting to make everything is as straightforward as possible for relatives and friends left behind.
Alternatively, you might be a bit of a control freak who isn’t entirely sure their next of kin are going to pick the right music or find the readings you actually want. And this is fine too.
Why would I do this?
The aim of planning and drafting your funeral while you are still here is to make sure you get what you want and/or the ceremony you think your loved ones will need. It helps you and them focus on the love and fun and triumphant times you have had together.
Often when chatting with families, the stories and memories that come to mind bring laughter and joy. And this can be a comfort for all at a tough time.
And the most important point? It helps you feel that sense of calm, that you have done all you can to help your nearest and dearest. The rest of your time can be focused on family, friends, and whatever brings you the best moments.

A Funeral Celebrant can help you with a Funeral for your Loved One
I am so sorry for your loss. What I can offer you now is calm, empathy, and guidance in saying goodbye to your loved one.
By asking you to tell me about your person, I can write a funeral ceremony that is personal, respectful, and comforting.
If you are unsure where to begin, I can offer ideas about music, readings, or the structure of the ceremony. I can also suggest funeral directors I have worked with based in St Helens, Wigan, and Liverpool.
A funeral ceremony is your time to say goodbye and I want to make sure you get to do this, your way.
At the end of the funeral, I will leave you with a keepsake copy of the ceremony and some British wildflower seeds for you to plant in memory of your loved one.

A Funeral Celebrant can help you with a Memorial Ceremony
A Memorial Ceremony gives you more time to remember and say your goodbyes to your loved one than a funeral.
Usually the venue is somewhere more relaxed and personal like a favourite pub or loved outdoor space. And the ceremony itself, takes place a greater time after the death than a funeral. This allows you time to collect your thoughts, feelings, and memories of the deceased so you can express yourself more clearly when talking about them.
Within your Memorial Ceremony, you can include:
- music – live or recorded – that reminds you of your person
- poems, readings, and extracts
- memories from family and friends
- photographs, artwork, and slideshows
- planting a favourite shrub or tree
- the dedication of a plaque or bench or similar
- the creation of a memory book – this can be especially useful to someone who had young children or grandchildren
- a memory walk of favourite places
Basically, you include activities that remind you of the deceased in the best possible way.
With current Covid-19 funeral rules, restricted numbers and/or mandatory direct cremations, you may not have been able to have the funeral you wanted for your loved one. A Memorial Ceremony offers you that chance at a time of your choosing. And I, as a Funeral Celebrant can help you organise that.

What Can a Funeral Celebrant do for You?
Hopefully, whichever ceremony you choose, I can help you by being honest, calm, and empathetic while supporting you in your choices for the best way to say your goodbyes.
Sarah x

Hello Sarah,
Great article, stay safe.
Thank you, Barry.
You stay safe too.